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Sleep Tips for Seniors

Senior woman sleeping

Did you know that our sleep patterns change with age? Studies show that older adults often suffer from chronic sleep problems. The worst part is: over 50% of cases go undiagnosed. If you notice your sleeping pattern changing the older you get, it’s more normal than you think. 


What affects your sleeping pattern

You may not feel well-rested because of a change in your internal clock. Aging can cause changes in sleep timing and duration. That’s why the older we get, the earlier we wake up. 


It can also be due to a change in hormones like a decrease in melatonin. As we age, our body produces less melatonin, which our body secretes at night to help us sleep.


You may also be experiencing insomnia because of a physical or mental health condition. Many individuals experience a change in sleep duration because they aren’t getting enough exercise, are drinking too much alcohol, are smoking, or are obese. 


However, if you’re experiencing any of these problems while sleeping:

  • Loud snoring
  • Dry mouth when you wake up
  • Gasping for air when you wake up
  • Pauses in breathing while you’re asleep

These could all be symptoms of a more serious issue, sleep apnea. You should schedule to meet with a doctor to discuss your symptoms.


Sleep Tips 

If you’re experiencing a change in your sleeping pattern, there are things you can do to get your internal clock back on track. 


Exercise Regularly 

If you exercise regularly, you’re more likely to fall asleep quicker and have higher quality sleep. Whether that’s going on a walk after dinner or taking a daily pilates class, these changes in behavior can help you fall asleep quicker and get a full night’s sleep.


Reduce Distractions

The more distractions, the less likely you are to fall asleep. Distractions include your TV, cell phone, lights, or other electronics. If electronics keep you up at night, consider moving your TV to another room. 


Doing this can help your body acclimate to knowing the bedroom is only for sleeping. You can also make sure your cell phone or other electronics are turned off or put away by a reasonable time. 


Have a Bedtime Routine 

A bedtime routine is essential to developing better habits over time. This includes activities that help you relax and reset after a long day. 


Maybe, you brush your teeth, take a shower, and then read a book 20 minutes before going to bed. Every night, you can look forward to this unwinding ritual and find peace in the blissfulness of the bedtime routine. 


Try to Maintain a Normal Sleep Schedule 

This isn’t always easy, especially if you’re struggling with getting to bed at a decent hour. 


However, the best way to reset your internal clock is by sticking to a sleep schedule that works for you. Try to go to bed at the same time every day and avoid napping in the middle of the day.


Prioritize Your Mental Health

If you feel stressed about something, it’s good to address it by writing down your worries in a journal or talking to someone. 


A feeling of worry and stress can get the mind moving too quickly, resulting in sleepless nights and an abnormal sleep schedule. Look for ways to unwind and relax every night, like reading, journaling, or meditating.


How Senior Care Companions Can Help

At Senior Care Companions, our team is here to help you with day-to-day activities to elevate some of the stress and help improve your sleep patterns over time. Whether that’s helping with housekeeping, transportation, or medical monitoring: we’re here for you. 


With any of our services, you’ll be able to improve your quality of life and not have to worry about the small things. This way, you can focus on getting your sleeping schedule back on track and achieving that well-rested feeling. It’s not always easy, but you never have to do it alone.

Care for seniors during the holidays and home help services for the elderly to create fun holiday activities for seniors.

Seniors need attention and love during the holidays, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, some people forget to visit their loved ones during the busiest times of the year. 

Finding ways to take care of seniors during the holidays is extremely important. Doing so involves helping them with their physical, mental, and emotional needs. Let’s look into the ways you can take care of seniors during the holiday season.

Hire a Service

Some seniors might not be able to help themselves with different tasks such as:

  • Mobility to go places
  • Remembering important details and schedules
  • Assistance with motor skills

Whatever you may need, we here at Senior Care Companions can help. We offer various services to help seniors each day. You can find assistants to help them 24/7, or just a few hours of the day.


While you should help seniors when you can, you may need professional help. After all, you can’t be at their sides 24/7, so see if you can find a reliable service to look after them.

Plan Fun Activities

Seniors can face boredom during the holidays, especially if they don’t have people to spend time with them. Coming up with fun activities you can do with one another is important to their mental and emotional wellbeing. Potential activities include:

  • Sit down and play board games together
  • Enjoy holiday activities like eating or watching movies
  • Go for a walk through the park

Focus your attention on letting them have fun. Doing so can help you take care of them emotionally and mentally. For example, they could feel happy after the activities or thankful you thought of them.

Seniors can potentially become lonely and depressed during the holidays, so take the time to plan fun activities for them. Doing so can help them overcome the mundane and boring moments in their lives.

Prepare Them Ahead of Time

Some seniors may like to stick with their schedules. If you know seniors like this, you should prepare them before any activities. Some seniors may have health problems, so make sure you accommodate them. 

You can do this in multiple ways such as:

  • Ensure they have a way to safely reach the areas if they have to use wheelchairs
  • Give them specific food if they have dietary restrictions
  • Show them pictures of who they’ll see at the event if they suffer from memory loss

You don’t want to worry them, so make sure you take some time to talk and prepare. This can help them understand the plan and feel comfortable during the activity.

Visit Them Regularly

Often people forget to help seniors with their mental and emotional health during the holidays. If you want to help them during the holidays, just visiting them is an easy way to make their day.

Visiting seniors can help them out in many ways:

  • Allows them to talk with someone
  • Shows them others care about their well-being
  • Help them with tasks or anything else they need

When you visit a senior, you can help them feel happy. You can also help them avoid feelings of loneliness or boredom if they have to live away from home. Even if you have seniors in your life who live on their own, you should visit them during the holidays.

Seniors recognize the time you take to visit them, so they’ll appreciate your efforts.

Ask Them What They Want

Sometimes, people try to make decisions for seniors, so you should communicate when possible. If you communicate with them, you can avoid some problems.

  • Ensure they do something they like and avoid boredom
  • Meet their personal needs and keep them safe
  • Learn more about them and their interests

These points can help you find an activity that will make the seniors happy. You don’t want to drag them to an activity they don’t like, so you need to communicate with them. That way, you can find something you’ll both enjoy. 


Some people forget to remember each senior as a person. Make sure you show these seniors you care by asking them what they want. As you do so, you can form stronger relationships with them. 

Final Comments

The holidays give you a great opportunity to show your love to the seniors in your life. Whether you want to help relatives in your family or the local seniors, you can make the holidays better for them.

If you want to help these seniors out, try out the ideas above. If you need assistance in taking care of the seniors in your life, reach out to Senior Care Companions.

Have any Questions? Just give us a call, we would love to help in any way.

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